2025 APRN Renewals
APRN renewal window will open May 1, 2025 and close June 30, 2025. Your APRN ilcense must be renewed by then, or your license will lapse. This is only for APRN licenses, RN renewals will occur in May-June of 2026.
2024 RN Renewals
The 2024 registered nurse license renewal window closed on 10/31/2024.
Nurse Portal
All of our RN, APRN, Prescriptive Authority and Dialysis Technician and License Renewal forms have been replaced by electronic forms available in the
Nurse Portal. Log in and create your nurse portal account.
Message Center
All communications to and from the Board will take place using the Message Center. If you have a license application in progress then you will need to check your message center periodically to see if you need to follow up with the Board. Additionally, if you would like to send a message to the Board then please use the Message Center. If the Board sends you a message through the Message Center then you should receive an email notification, however because email is not 100 percent reliable we cannot guarantee you will receive a notification, so please check the Message Center periodically while waiting for your application to be processed.
New Law Creates Initial License Fee Waivers
Effective June 6, 2019, a
new law requires the West Virginia Board of Registered Nurses (Board) and other licensing authorities to waive initial licensing fees for low-income individuals and military families.
The waiver does not apply to individuals seeking to renew existing licenses, or to those seeking an educational permit from the Board.
The new law defines a “low-income individual” as someone in the local labor market whose household adjusted gross income is below 130% of the federal poverty level. To access the federal poverty guidelines, visit
aspe.hhs.gov/poverty-guidelines. From the “Resources” area, click on “A chart with percentages (e.g. 125 percent) of the guidelines” and review the column marked “130%.”
The term “low-income individual” also applies to any person enrolled in a state or federal public assistance program, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
A “military family” is defined in the new law as any person who serves as an active member of the armed forces of the United States, the National Guard, or a reserve component, honorably discharged veterans of those forces, and their spouses. This term also includes surviving spouses of deceased service members who have not remarried.
For additional information, contact the Board at (304) 744-0900.
Registered Nurse and Advanced Practice:
All the forms and applications for Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice nurses are all available at the Nurse Portal. This includes Initial applications, Renewal applications, Reinstatement applications and Name/Address Change forms.
Multistate Licensure
An applicant for a West Virginia multistate license must meet the following criteria:
West Virginia must be your Primary State of Residency
Has graduated from a Board-approved education program
Has passed English proficiency exam, if graduated from an international education program
Has passed NCLEX
Is eligible for or holds active unencumbered license
Has submitted to state and federal fingerprint-based criminal background checks
Has no state or federal felony convictions
Has no misdemeanor convictions related to the practice of nursing (determined on a case-by-case basis)
Is not currently in an alternative program
Is required to self-disclose current participation in an alternative program
Has a valid United States Social Security number
Multistate Licensure Links
Prescriptive Authority:
For Prescriptive Authority Initial, Reinstatement, Renewal, and Change applications use the
Nurse Portal.
Initial Prescriptive Authority application pharmacology letter example
click here.
Complete a Prescriptive Authority Change Application if you have active prescriptive authority privilege and want to dissolve or add an active collaborative practice agreement (CPA) or want to change your prescriptive authority privilege status from prescriptive authority privilege with a CPA to prescriptive authority privilege without a CPA.
Prescriptive Authority forms requiring notarization
Dialysis Tech Forms
Primary Source Verification
The West Virginia Board of Registered Nurses performs primary source verification of practitioner education and training for RN and APRN licensees.
Other Verification
- Verify APRN to another state
To request verification of your WV APRN license be sent to another state board, please send a written request to our office that includes your name, license number, and the state where the verification is to be sent. Please include a cashier’s check or money order for $30 made out to the WV RN Board.
Use this form to send to other states and have them verify your APRN license with us
Use this form to obtain a verification from states that do not participate in NURSYS
Lapsed License Reports
2021 Lapsed RN and APRN License Report
The 2021 RN renewal season ended on 10/31/2021. This is the report of licensees that did not renew during this period, and also any APRNs that lapsed as a result of the RN license lapsing.
2020 Lapsed RN License Report
The RN licensing period from 11/1/2019 to 10/31/2020 had its renewal period delayed by an Executive Order from the Governor, and the renewal period officially ended on August 2, 2021. This is the report of licensees that did not renew during this period.
2021 Lapsed APRN License Report
APRN Renewal season ended on 06/30/2021 - if you had not renewed your APRN license by then it has lapsed and will need to be reinstated before you can work as an APRN. If you have prescriptive authority, it has lapsed as well.
2019 Lapsed RN License and APRN License Report
RN Renewal season ended on 10/31/2019 - if you had not renewed your RN license then it has lapsed on 11/1/2019. If you held an APRN license that used your RN license as a prerequisite then it has lapsed as well and will need to be reinstated before you can work as an APRN. If you have prescriptive authority, it has lapsed as well.
2019 Lapsed APRN License Report
APRN Renewal season ended on 06/30/2019 - if you had not renewed your APRN license by then it has lapsed and will need to be reinstated before you can work as an APRN. If you have prescriptive authority, it has lapsed as well.
2018 Lapsed RN License Report
Renewal season ended on 10/31/2018 - if you have not renewed your license, it will have lapsed and you will need to fill out an Online RN License Reinstatement form. To confirm, check the Verification link at the top of the page to see if you have lapsed.
2018 Lapsed APRN (and RN) License Report
Your APRN license depends on your RN license to be active. If your RN license has lapsed then your APRN license has inactivated. If you are on this list you will need to reinstate your RN license and also your APRN license, and, if applicable, your RXA privilege as well.
Fee Schedule
There may be a small additional transaction fee for online applications |
Description | Amount |
Address Change | No charge, do this in Nurse Portal
Endorsement With Temp Permit
| $125.00 |
Licensure by Examination
| $70.00 |
RN Renewal
| $90.00
Advanced Practice Application | $125.00
Advanced Practice Renewal | $90.00
Limited Prescriptive Authority | $125.00 |
Multistate License Conversion from Single state | $7.00 |
Name Change | $10.00
Reinstatement from Lapsed Status
| $115.00 |
Reinstatement from Inactive Status | $25.00 |
Transcript Photocopy | $5.00 |
RN Verification to Another Nursing Board or Certifying Body | via NURSYS |
APRN Verification to Another Nursing Board | $30.00 |
Volunteer License | No Charge |
Working Without a Valid License | Disciplinary Fees |