Registered Nurse License Renewal Continuing Education Requirements
Newly licensed RN license renewal requirements are certificates of completion for 3 contact hours of best prescribing and drug diversion CE, all other RNs need certificates of completion for 12 contact hours of CE from a Board approved CE provider.
Renewing RNs need to complete 12 hours of continuing education (CE) from a Board-approved provider per renewal cycle.
Newly-licensed RNs only need 3 hours of CE on safe prescribing and drug diversion, completed within 1 year of receiving your initial license.
If you were licensed within the last year and didn't handle controlled substances, you can request a CE waiver. To do this, create a document explaining your exemption, sign and date it, then scan and upload it to your CE Broker account. Below is an example you can use for the document:
I request a waiver of the best prescribing drug diversion training continuing education because I did not prescribe, administer or dispense controlled substances within 1 year of receiving my initial RN license from the Board.
Signature, License number and date
Approved CE providers include national APRN organizations (like AANPCB, AMCB, ANCC, NCC, PNCB), national/state nursing associations (like ANA, WVNA, AANA), and any State Board of Nursing in the U.S.
CE Broker
West Virginia Board of Registered Nurses partners with CEBroker as our official continuing education tracking system. Beginning with 2024 your CE compliance will be electronically verified at the time of renewal.
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The CE Broker Support Center is open Monday - Friday, 8am - 8pm EST to assist with CE reporting or questions about your basic CE Broker account. If you signed up for an upgraded account by mistake contact CE Broker support center for a refund. The support center contact is as follows:
- Digital help is which has FAQ's and access to start a chat conversation.
- Licensees can also reach support via email at , emails are typically answered within 4 hours.
An online chat option is accessible and available when you are logged into your CE Broker account.
The Board performs audits to verify registered nurse licensee compliance with continuing education requirements. Obtain and keep CE certificates of completion for continuing education activities! Activate your West Virginia RN License Board CE Broker Basic account to enter and track your compliance with West Virginia RN license renewal requirements.
Advanced Practice License Renewal CE Requirements
Each Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) must complete 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years—12 hours in pharmacotherapeutics and 12 hours in clinical management per renewal cycle.
If you prescribe, administer, or dispense controlled substances, you also need to complete 3 hours of CE in drug diversion, best-practice prescribing, and opioid antagonist training within one year of getting your initial license.
The Board may audit you to check your CE compliance, so be sure to keep your CE certificates. Activate your free CE Broker Basic account to track your compliance with license renewal requirements.
If you were licensed within the last year and didn't handle controlled substances, you can request a CE waiver for drug diversion training. To do this, create a document explaining your exemption, sign and date it, then scan and upload it to your CE Broker account. Below is an example you can use for the document:
I request a waiver of the best prescribing drug diversion training continuing education because I did not prescribe, administer or dispense controlled substances within 1 year of receiving my initial RN license from the Board.
Signature, License number and date
Note: Even if you request a waiver to the best prescribing and drug diversion, you will need to complete 12 hours of pharmacotherapeutics and 12 hours of clinical management.
Specific Board guidelines for APRNs include the following:
Each APRN must complete 12 hours of pharmacotherapeutics (advanced pharmacology) and 12 hours of clinical management (such as assessment, diagnosis, planning, and evaluation) from a Board-approved CE provider every renewal period.
The APRN license renewal period runs from July 1 of an odd year to June 30 of the next odd year. CE requirements begin on the first day of licensure and end on June 30 of the next odd year. For example, if you were newly licensed on April 1, 2023, your renewal timeframe is April 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023. If you are renewing, your time frame will be July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025.
CE hours can be completed through one or more courses, as long as the content and hours for pharmacotherapeutics and clinical management are clearly stated.
Approved CE providers include national APRN organizations (like AANPCB, AMCB, ANCC, NCC, PNCB), national/state nursing associations (like ANA, WVNA, AANA), and any State Board of Nursing in the U.S.
WV State of Nursing Education Report
Continuing Education Resources
Nursing Education Program Resources - Out of State
Nursing Education Program Resources - In State
Continuing Education Providers
Continuing Education Provider Resources